Thursday, June 30, 2011

Could Be Worse

I have a serious complaint with today's submission. Older could it be worse? Seriously. You have a GIANT bird taking you to their, no doubt, equally giant offspring for dinner and it *could be worse*? I, sir, disagree.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Two Points to Murder

Oh look. A Nancy Drew book. I wonder what she'll...HOLY CRAP SOMEONE'S HANGING FROM THE RIM!!!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Fast Talking-Dolphin

Never, and I repeat, NEVER, trust a fast-talking dolphin. They're up to no damn good.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Naughty Andy

Don't even ask me why I was flipping through a Raggedy Andy book but put that aside for the moment as I found the image below. Methinks Andy had ulterior motives...

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Meta Santa

There's nothing quite like reading a book about yourself in which the exact present scenario around you is displayed on the cover of said book, hence creating an endless loop...and if you're Santa. That's pretty neat, too.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Tin Man

I would like to think that most of us have at least seen the film adaptation of The Wizard of Oz. Now I'll take a wild guess and assume that this figure drops of precipitously for those who have read the book. I simply bring this up as I was decidedly NOT prepared for the image below from the book. My memory could be fuzzy but I do not recall the part in the movie when the Tin Man eviscerated forty wolves with an axe. This could just be me, though...

Monday, June 20, 2011

The Westing Game

I almost passed by today's submission and then noticed that Uncle Sam is in a coffin. I'm sure this is perfectly explained in the text but still.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Trouble River

I know that living in the 21st century has a lot of perks to it, especially in terms of transportation. From high speed cars, helicopters, planes, space craft and the lot but I didn't realize how far we had come until I came across today's submission. Apparently in the 19th century, people would just cut out the front porch, with grandma still sitting in her chair, and hit the rapids to get around. Man, were they tough people...

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Arthur's Underwear

I'm pretty sure most of us have had this particular nightmare from time to time although part of my rationale for including this cover is that I might bear a sliiiiight resemblance to Arthur on some days...sorta...what do you expect? I'm a librarian. It's kind of like how people start looking like their pets and vice versa.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Rocket in my Pocket

So I wasn't sure where to start so I'm going to go alphabetically as I titled the images in the folder on my computer because I'm horribly predicable that way.

Anyway, our first submission has me relieved that it was only a rocket...and nothing else in said pocket.

Welcome to Trapped in the Stacks

Well what's all this then?!! I love English bobbies. Anyway...Hi, my name is Josh. Pleased to meet you. Well what all this is is a way for me to stop keeping the pure unadulterated unintentional comedy of school librarianship to myself. You see, at one time I was an academic librarian working in colleges but I always thought there was something missing in my life. This something came to fruition when I was hired to work as a project librarian at a K-6 school and discovered the magic of children's books and how is it that *nobody* caught way too many unintentionally hilarious covers and content. I felt it too good not to share, so this is my gift to you, dear world. So welcome and stay with me as I'm...Trapped in the Stacks.