Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Welcome to Trapped in the Stacks

Well what's all this then?!! I love English bobbies. Anyway...Hi, my name is Josh. Pleased to meet you. Well what all this is is a way for me to stop keeping the pure unadulterated unintentional comedy of school librarianship to myself. You see, at one time I was an academic librarian working in colleges but I always thought there was something missing in my life. This something came to fruition when I was hired to work as a project librarian at a K-6 school and discovered the magic of children's books and how is it that *nobody* caught way too many unintentionally hilarious covers and content. I felt it too good not to share, so this is my gift to you, dear world. So welcome and stay with me as I'm...Trapped in the Stacks.

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